Empowering Health Journeys

Ep13 Is Stress the Real Reason for your Health "issue" or is it "Just Old Age" with Lana Kirtley

Episode Summary

What is the Real Cost of Stress? We all have some in our lives and our muscles grow best when given consistent stressors. BUT when we keep "injecting" cortisol and adrenaline into our system, our endocrine system then the consequences can "fly under the radar" as a typical health issue and not identified for what it really is ... an inability to adequately handle the stressors in our lives. Join Lana as she exposes the truth about what stress does to our bodies, our health and join her over on Facebook in the group EHJ - Let's Talk Health or the website www.empoweringhealthjourneys.com

Episode Notes

What is the Real Cost of Stress?  We all have some in our lives and our muscles grow best when given consistent stressors.  BUT when we keep "injecting" cortisol and adrenaline into our system, our endocrine system then the consequences can "fly under the radar" as a typical health issue and not identified for what it really is ... an inability to adequately handle the stressors in our lives.

Join Lana as she exposes the truth about what stress does to our bodies, our health and join her over on Facebook in the group EHJ - Let's Talk Health or the website www.empoweringhealthjourneys.com


#diabetes #heart #mental health #sleep #stress  #world health organization